Saturday, January 7, 2012

30 Pounds...Here We Go!

So, after the "freshman 15" ...and then the "married 15", I decided it's time. It's time to take my health seriously. I've reached that uncomfortable stage where clothes aren't really fun to wear anymore. I try on outfits that I use to love and end up deciding a baggy tshirt or sweatshirt is the only thing I feel somewhat attractive in.

I officially decided this around Thanksgiving but thought with the Holidays approaching, I would just wait until the first of the year. A lot of people decide not to make New Year's resolutions. "If something is important enough to make a resolution about then you should be doing it already" is the common comment I heard this year. Personally though, I like the "refreshed" feeling that a new year brings. So, even if you may not like it, my New Year's resolution is to lose these nasty 30 pounds I have been carrying around.

Since I've taken quite a few Psychology classes, I know that the best way to follow through with a goal is to do the following:
1. Have an accountability partner
2. Make smaller and very specific goals to accomplish while you are on your journey to completing the BIG goal
3. Have personal reasons as to why you want to accomplish this goal so that you stay motivated.

I can check off #1 because David has decided to join a gym with me and be my accountability partner when it comes to exercising. He's been wanting a gym membership for awhile and this was the perfect opportunity to bite the bullet and start paying for it (they are expensive!!). The "non exercising" (since I don't live near most of you) accountability is one I hope to get from you guys. This isn't any type of commitment I am asking you to sign up for but, if reading my blogs ever inspires you or you have any ideas, I'd love to hear it! I am hoping to keep up with this blog on a weekly basis so that my dedication will be written out and will serve as a motivation to keep me going.

#2 can be crossed off the list for this week because I have decided to almost fully cut out caffeine from my diet. Now, if you know me well, you also know that soda is my downfall. I am not a coffee drinker but I LOVE soda. This is a hard goal but I know it'll be one that will give me a jump start to my weight loss goal.

#3: My reasoning to lose 30 pounds are the following:
A. David and I are planning on taking a 2nd honeymoon to Cancun and I would love to look better in a swimsuit than our honeymoon (which was 15 pounds ago)
B. We are planning on starting a family within the next year so I want to be healthy
C. I want to feel comfortable in my clothes again
D. I want to be a more confident and better me

I think I am off to a good start. David and I are going to do our first workout tomorrow and I have already gone running/walking 3 times since the new year started. Here's to a new year with a slimmer, healthier, and happier ME!


  1. Candace,

    This is such a great idea. You can do it. Remember when you don’t feel like working out, you just need to get up and get to the gym. Half of the battle is getting to the gym.
    I am in the exact same position as you. I need the support and the reminder to do this in a healthy way. I have a gym membership and trying to lose 30 pounds as well. I am not doing a very good job at it. We can motivate each other in the process of losing weight!
    Excited for this! Love you!


  2. Hey Lady!
    Cheers to a healthier new year and thanks for letting me be a part of this journey with you! I know there are 10,008 ways to lose weight so I don't want to bombard you with "this the way!" I would be more then happy to share my successes thus far if you'd like though.
    I just want to give you one bit of encouragement though. Your three goal steps are awesome and I just would like to add one little important step. Give this journey to God. It sounds cheesy, but its true. Its no secret that Satan can easily rule this area of our life. For me, the way that I listen to the lies he feeds me like, “this is too hard” and “you will never reach your goal, you can’t do it” has been detrimental...and I freakin HATE that! The truth is, we CAN do it and I know that the devil tries to get into our lives through taking advantage of our weakest states and for me it has been self confidence…so he hits me where it hurts most. My weight struggles. He tells me lies and I believe them. So recently I have noticed how weak I am and I said, “God, I can’t do this alone. No matter how hard I work I cannot fight through this to be successful on my own.” So I am so adamant now about speaking truth over this area in my life. Every time I think I am too tired I literally say out loud, “In the name of Jesus, I can do anything through the one who gives me strength” (Phil 4:13). And when I think I can’t resist my favorite cookie or try to eat something I know I shouldn’t I know the bible tells me “God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.” (1 Cor 10:13).
    Sue me if I take those verses out of context, but seriously makes it seem more then possible. Not necessarily easy, but it puts my struggles in perspective. I see the way God answers prayers. He has been nothing but faithful throughout my whole life…why would I think that this battle should be anything less then another reason to praise God for his faithfulness? I know God wants us to be happy and healthy…so I have decided to make the conscious decision to let him heal me from my self-image issues and all the baggage (or poundage) that is attached to that. I have asked for increased faith that he will answer my prayers.
    Ok, sorry for my Christian-ese little soap box. I don't know if you can relate to any or all of this, but either way I know how excited God is to be a part of all the things in our lives, little or big so I chose to invite him into this area as well. So far I am 60 pounds closer to a physically healthier me and I have been able to praise God for every pound lost! Even more so I have been choosing to give Him the pounds that still linger and come and go rather then letting them defeat me like Satan would want.
    One healthy decision at a time! I am praying for ALL of us! We can do this!!

  3. Love your commitment and your reasons for wanting to get healthy. I think having a real reason to be healthy makes the journey easier. I write fitness articles on a hubpage at, feel free to check it out :) Also, I know Erin and I both use, and I can't even tell you how helpful that site is! You got this, girl. PS. I live in south Denver now, so maybe we can meet up sometime. Once summer or even spring hits, I'd love to find some hiking spots :) -Sarah

  4. Love you girl and I am right there with you (although mine is more like 50 pounds). Marisa has also been really trying to lose her baby weight too and she has been a huge encouragement to me. One thing she did this last semester was she weighed herself every friday in the morning. She had a little index card that she kept under her make up tray and each week she would write her weight down. It was really cool to see overtime how much she lost. Each week it was only a pound or two but over a whole semester it added up to be a lot! I want to sit down and write all my goals and motivations too which are pretty similar to yours. Love you girl. We should text each other every friday morning if you want to do the weighing thing too.


  5. I can't begin to explain how much each one of your comments mean to me. I SO appreciate you all being willing to encourage me and I hope I can be an encouragement to those of you who are doing this journey too. It really is so much more than the weight- it is about me setting a tough goal for myself and pushing through it with God. Erin, thank you so much for your direction to invite God into this. I have and will continue to go to my knees and ask God to be a part of this commitment. You all are amazing...truely amazing.

  6. Cousin, this is a great idea. I'll be reading. Something that really encouraged me to lose my final baby weight was a book by Candace Cameron Bure called "Reshaping It All." The writing isn't great, but the message is awesome. She relates everything back to God (with verses) and really motivates a healthy (non fad diety) lifestyle. Just a thought.

  7. Good for you guys!! You will feel so good. Going to the gym is not easy at first, but don't give up. Once you get into a routine, you will look forward to it. Make sure to take your music, and you can even catch up on reading while doing the bike or the tred mill. It will become your time for yourself. Classes are fun too if your gym offers them. You will really noitice a difference in how you look and feel!

    Love you guys!
