Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tricks of the Trade

I have found the following tricks of the trade to be amazingly helpful as I continue this healthy lifestyle:

1. I brush my teeth almost immediately after I eat a meal. I find that I don't want to snack when I still have that "minty fresh" taste in my mouth.

2. I wear "cute" workout clothes. I got a bunch of cute workout clothes for Christmas (thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law and aunt Judie) and I find that when I feel confident in what I work out in, it pushes me to do more.

3. I always have water close at hand all day long. Another Christmas gift (thanks to my  hubbs) was that HUGE Starbucks refill plastic cup. I think it's over 40 oz. I will refill that cup at least 6 times a day. And when I get tired of drinking just water? I buy Crystal Light packs. Raspberry lemonade is my favorite. It's only 5 calories!

4. I always have fruit handy. Even on my days at work, I will bring a banana or an apple just in case I feel the urge to grab a hand-full of chips. Veggies are not my type of "snack food" but an apple with a little bit of peanut butter? Mmmm.

5. I have started keeping the "Nutrition Facts" pages of my favorite fast food places in my car. For the days that I have no other choice but to grab something in the drive-thru line, it is much easier to make a somewhat healthy choice if I can think about what to get while waiting in line to order. If it isn't convenient then I am much more likely to say, "Eh, whatever" and then order the Big Mac Meal (which, by the way, has 1,130 calories!!).

6. This may be an old tip, but it still works well for me: when I decide to reward myself with some cookies or chips, I take the bag out, count the portion I can have, and then close it up and put it back in the pantry. I find it way too easy to keep eating when the bag is still open and I get whiffs of Oreo beckoning me to take a few more.

I hope these help those of you who are on this journey with me. Stay strong, confident, and keep pressing on to that goal!
WEIGH IN:7 pounds (total)

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