Sunday, January 15, 2012

I won't call it a "diet"

I find that the minute someone says they are "on a diet" I think of it as a short-term thing. That's way on this go-around of losing weight, I wanted it to be different. I am NOT on a diet. It may be different for you but, I can't think of a single person that has been on a diet for 5, 10 or 20 years. From my experience, a diet is something temporary you go on right before your wedding, before a trip, or before you see someone from your past and don't want them saying, "You look great!" but thinking, "Hey Chubby!"

I want this new decision to be one that I have for a long time. I want it to be one that if I miss a workout here or there that I don't feel so guilty that I binge and eat a half of a pizza. I am NOT on a diet. Instead, I have decided to live a healthier lifestyle. So, don't be upset if you see a picture of me at McDonalds and think, "...I guess she's decided to not lose those 30 pounds. That didn't last long." I will eat that cheeseburger but, I'll have a side salad instead of french fries. I will eat a piece of that brownie, it'll just be cut in half. I will drink that milkshake, but I will ask for the kid size instead. Here's the key point: If you don't make your healthy choices easy, doable, and give yourself a little leeway, you will always fail. Ouch. I know, that one hurt. But I have personally found that true over and over. So, you want a few of those chocolate chip cookies when you get home? Just add on 20 minutes to the treadmill and those cookies with zero shame.

I have been trying to find more areas where I can be encouraged and inspired to continue this next week. I use to cut out swimsuit pictures of models or actresses who are deathly skinny, have been air-brushed, and digitally modified to look perfect. I soon realized that setting a goal that I will never accomplish (not even those models can accomplish it without technology) was the complete opposite of inspiring. So, I started looking for a picture of myself in a swimsuit...not an easy task. Then, I remembered our honeymoon in Cancun. So, here it is:
This was taken almost two years ago and it is still about 10 pounds heavier than what I would ideally like to lose but...I look pretty good huh? Haha. This picture has given me exactly what I needed it to.

Let the inspiration continue as I press on.

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