I've been trying to go to the gym at least 3 days a week. I almost never want to go, but as soon as I walk in the doors, I know I made the right decision. Since I am trying to lose weight more than anything, I try to do 3/4 cardio. Once I lose about 10 more pounds, I will probably split it up 50/50 between cardio and muscle-building. The gym we go to (called "Snap Fitness") has these fitness sheets that you keep there in a filing box. It's an awesome way to keep track of what you have been doing, for how long, and what your next goal is. They also have monthly prizes if you accomplish 4 goals (one goal for every week). Here's a link to a similar sheet if you want to print it off, I've found it SO helpful:
Here's the line-up of what I've been doing:
Warm Up Run: 0.5 miles (level 4.5)
Walk with Incline: 0.5 miles (level 8)
Run: 0.5 miles (level 4.5)
Walk with Incline: 0.5 miles (level 8)
Hip Adduction: 85 reps (35lbs)
Hip Abduction: 200 reps (40lbs)
Abdominal: 100 reps (35lbs)
Leg Press: 60 reps (40lbs)
Pec Fly: 75 reps (25lbs)
Arm Curls 80 reps (15lbs)
Bicycle 1.3 miles (level 3)
Cool Down Run 0.5 miles (level 4.5)
My friend Sarah, who is also a trainer, told me that it is best to do cardio in small slots where you run, then walk, then run, and so on. I can actually feel a difference then just running a full 2-3 miles (like I was before).
A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law, Tami, sent me this idea to track how much weight you've lost. I keep it right by the scale and every Friday morning when I weigh in, I get to put the pebbles in the "pounds lost" glass. It is tangible proof that my hard work is paying off!
WEIGH IN: 10 POUNDS! (total)
Here's the skinny.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Tricks of the Trade

1. I brush my teeth almost immediately after I eat a meal. I find that I don't want to snack when I still have that "minty fresh" taste in my mouth.
2. I wear "cute" workout clothes. I got a bunch of cute workout clothes for Christmas (thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law and aunt Judie) and I find that when I feel confident in what I work out in, it pushes me to do more.
3. I always have water close at hand all day long. Another Christmas gift (thanks to my hubbs) was that HUGE Starbucks refill plastic cup. I think it's over 40 oz. I will refill that cup at least 6 times a day. And when I get tired of drinking just water? I buy Crystal Light packs. Raspberry lemonade is my favorite. It's only 5 calories!
4. I always have fruit handy. Even on my days at work, I will bring a banana or an apple just in case I feel the urge to grab a hand-full of chips. Veggies are not my type of "snack food" but an apple with a little bit of peanut butter? Mmmm.
5. I have started keeping the "Nutrition Facts" pages of my favorite fast food places in my car. For the days that I have no other choice but to grab something in the drive-thru line, it is much easier to make a somewhat healthy choice if I can think about what to get while waiting in line to order. If it isn't convenient then I am much more likely to say, "Eh, whatever" and then order the Big Mac Meal (which, by the way, has 1,130 calories!!).
6. This may be an old tip, but it still works well for me: when I decide to reward myself with some cookies or chips, I take the bag out, count the portion I can have, and then close it up and put it back in the pantry. I find it way too easy to keep eating when the bag is still open and I get whiffs of Oreo beckoning me to take a few more.
I hope these help those of you who are on this journey with me. Stay strong, confident, and keep pressing on to that goal!
WEIGH IN:7 pounds (total)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I won't call it a "diet"
I find that the minute someone says they are "on a diet" I think of it as a short-term thing. That's way on this go-around of losing weight, I wanted it to be different. I am NOT on a diet. It may be different for you but, I can't think of a single person that has been on a diet for 5, 10 or 20 years. From my experience, a diet is something temporary you go on right before your wedding, before a trip, or before you see someone from your past and don't want them saying, "You look great!" but thinking, "Hey Chubby!"
I want this new decision to be one that I have for a long time. I want it to be one that if I miss a workout here or there that I don't feel so guilty that I binge and eat a half of a pizza. I am NOT on a diet. Instead, I have decided to live a healthier lifestyle. So, don't be upset if you see a picture of me at McDonalds and think, "...I guess she's decided to not lose those 30 pounds. That didn't last long." I will eat that cheeseburger but, I'll have a side salad instead of french fries. I will eat a piece of that brownie, it'll just be cut in half. I will drink that milkshake, but I will ask for the kid size instead. Here's the key point: If you don't make your healthy choices easy, doable, and give yourself a little leeway, you will always fail. Ouch. I know, that one hurt. But I have personally found that true over and over. So, you want a few of those chocolate chip cookies when you get home? Just add on 20 minutes to the treadmill and then...eat those cookies with zero shame.
I have been trying to find more areas where I can be encouraged and inspired to continue this next week. I use to cut out swimsuit pictures of models or actresses who are deathly skinny, have been air-brushed, and digitally modified to look perfect. I soon realized that setting a goal that I will never accomplish (not even those models can accomplish it without technology) was the complete opposite of inspiring. So, I started looking for a picture of myself in a swimsuit...not an easy task. Then, I remembered our honeymoon in Cancun. So, here it is:
This was taken almost two years ago and it is still about 10 pounds heavier than what I would ideally like to lose but...I look pretty good huh? Haha. This picture has given me exactly what I needed it to.
Let the inspiration continue as I press on.
I want this new decision to be one that I have for a long time. I want it to be one that if I miss a workout here or there that I don't feel so guilty that I binge and eat a half of a pizza. I am NOT on a diet. Instead, I have decided to live a healthier lifestyle. So, don't be upset if you see a picture of me at McDonalds and think, "...I guess she's decided to not lose those 30 pounds. That didn't last long." I will eat that cheeseburger but, I'll have a side salad instead of french fries. I will eat a piece of that brownie, it'll just be cut in half. I will drink that milkshake, but I will ask for the kid size instead. Here's the key point: If you don't make your healthy choices easy, doable, and give yourself a little leeway, you will always fail. Ouch. I know, that one hurt. But I have personally found that true over and over. So, you want a few of those chocolate chip cookies when you get home? Just add on 20 minutes to the treadmill and then...eat those cookies with zero shame.
I have been trying to find more areas where I can be encouraged and inspired to continue this next week. I use to cut out swimsuit pictures of models or actresses who are deathly skinny, have been air-brushed, and digitally modified to look perfect. I soon realized that setting a goal that I will never accomplish (not even those models can accomplish it without technology) was the complete opposite of inspiring. So, I started looking for a picture of myself in a swimsuit...not an easy task. Then, I remembered our honeymoon in Cancun. So, here it is:
This was taken almost two years ago and it is still about 10 pounds heavier than what I would ideally like to lose but...I look pretty good huh? Haha. This picture has given me exactly what I needed it to.
Let the inspiration continue as I press on.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
30 Pounds...Here We Go!
So, after the "freshman 15" ...and then the "married 15", I decided it's time. It's time to take my health seriously. I've reached that uncomfortable stage where clothes aren't really fun to wear anymore. I try on outfits that I use to love and end up deciding a baggy tshirt or sweatshirt is the only thing I feel somewhat attractive in.
I officially decided this around Thanksgiving but thought with the Holidays approaching, I would just wait until the first of the year. A lot of people decide not to make New Year's resolutions. "If something is important enough to make a resolution about then you should be doing it already" is the common comment I heard this year. Personally though, I like the "refreshed" feeling that a new year brings. So, even if you may not like it, my New Year's resolution is to lose these nasty 30 pounds I have been carrying around.
Since I've taken quite a few Psychology classes, I know that the best way to follow through with a goal is to do the following:
1. Have an accountability partner
2. Make smaller and very specific goals to accomplish while you are on your journey to completing the BIG goal
3. Have personal reasons as to why you want to accomplish this goal so that you stay motivated.
I can check off #1 because David has decided to join a gym with me and be my accountability partner when it comes to exercising. He's been wanting a gym membership for awhile and this was the perfect opportunity to bite the bullet and start paying for it (they are expensive!!). The "non exercising" (since I don't live near most of you) accountability is one I hope to get from you guys. This isn't any type of commitment I am asking you to sign up for but, if reading my blogs ever inspires you or you have any ideas, I'd love to hear it! I am hoping to keep up with this blog on a weekly basis so that my dedication will be written out and will serve as a motivation to keep me going.
#2 can be crossed off the list for this week because I have decided to almost fully cut out caffeine from my diet. Now, if you know me well, you also know that soda is my downfall. I am not a coffee drinker but I LOVE soda. This is a hard goal but I know it'll be one that will give me a jump start to my weight loss goal.
#3: My reasoning to lose 30 pounds are the following:
A. David and I are planning on taking a 2nd honeymoon to Cancun and I would love to look better in a swimsuit than our honeymoon (which was 15 pounds ago)
B. We are planning on starting a family within the next year so I want to be healthy
C. I want to feel comfortable in my clothes again
D. I want to be a more confident and better me
I think I am off to a good start. David and I are going to do our first workout tomorrow and I have already gone running/walking 3 times since the new year started. Here's to a new year with a slimmer, healthier, and happier ME!
I officially decided this around Thanksgiving but thought with the Holidays approaching, I would just wait until the first of the year. A lot of people decide not to make New Year's resolutions. "If something is important enough to make a resolution about then you should be doing it already" is the common comment I heard this year. Personally though, I like the "refreshed" feeling that a new year brings. So, even if you may not like it, my New Year's resolution is to lose these nasty 30 pounds I have been carrying around.
Since I've taken quite a few Psychology classes, I know that the best way to follow through with a goal is to do the following:
1. Have an accountability partner
2. Make smaller and very specific goals to accomplish while you are on your journey to completing the BIG goal
3. Have personal reasons as to why you want to accomplish this goal so that you stay motivated.
I can check off #1 because David has decided to join a gym with me and be my accountability partner when it comes to exercising. He's been wanting a gym membership for awhile and this was the perfect opportunity to bite the bullet and start paying for it (they are expensive!!). The "non exercising" (since I don't live near most of you) accountability is one I hope to get from you guys. This isn't any type of commitment I am asking you to sign up for but, if reading my blogs ever inspires you or you have any ideas, I'd love to hear it! I am hoping to keep up with this blog on a weekly basis so that my dedication will be written out and will serve as a motivation to keep me going.
#2 can be crossed off the list for this week because I have decided to almost fully cut out caffeine from my diet. Now, if you know me well, you also know that soda is my downfall. I am not a coffee drinker but I LOVE soda. This is a hard goal but I know it'll be one that will give me a jump start to my weight loss goal.
#3: My reasoning to lose 30 pounds are the following:
A. David and I are planning on taking a 2nd honeymoon to Cancun and I would love to look better in a swimsuit than our honeymoon (which was 15 pounds ago)
B. We are planning on starting a family within the next year so I want to be healthy
C. I want to feel comfortable in my clothes again
D. I want to be a more confident and better me
I think I am off to a good start. David and I are going to do our first workout tomorrow and I have already gone running/walking 3 times since the new year started. Here's to a new year with a slimmer, healthier, and happier ME!
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